
Laundry Day!!

I feel like I spend a lot of time complaining here.  I guess I use my blog as a sort of venting tool for me.  This post will be along the same lines. I apologize, I'm a pessimistic person. Deal with it.

I don't know how many of you live in a campus house, but probably the worst experience about living in one is having to do laundry.  I try to hold out as long as possible, but I'm always delaying the inevitable. I want clean clothes. More importantly, I need clean clothes.  Here is my entire laundry experience from start to finish. Be warned, it is not for the faint of heart.

After collecting all my clothes off of the ground and putting them in my laundry basket, I walk with my laundry alllll the way to Mcginnis from College Park.  For those of you who don't know where either of these places are, let's just say it's about a 30 minute walk when you're carrying a 1,000 lb. laundry basket.  When I arrive at Mcginnis, I look around the room and notice all the miserable faces of people who are also washing their clothes.  Every once in a while I will see a person huddled in the corner balling his or her eyes out screaming, "Why God, why must you make me do laundry every other week!? I hate my life!" True story.

Now begins the fun part. Finding an open washer to put my clothes in.  Fortunately for me, I've never had to wait on a washer.  There will usually be one top-loading washer open and then one of the two random front-loading washers that take twice as long to wash your clothes.  After starting the washers, I bolt out of there before I lose the little bit of sanity I have left and head to heaven on Earth, Artstreet Cafe.

For those of you who have never been to Artstreet before, the only advice I can give you is GO.  It is the coolest place with the most amazing workers and THE BEST food.  Just walking into the place puts the biggest smile on my face. I almost forget that I'm doing laundry because I'm having such a great time.  Not to mention they have two of the best sandwiches ever made. The El Greco and the Van Gogh.  Never tried either of them? What are you waiting for? Stop reading my blog and get to Artstreet Cafe right now!

For those of you who are not taking my advice and are still reading, let me finish telling you my laundry experience. After leaving Artstreet and remembering why I am on that side of campus, I sulkily make my way back to the laundry room.  I transfer my clothes from the washer to the dryer, start it up, then try to find something to do for 42 minutes until it is done.  Once finished, I take my semi-dry clothes out and fold them. I don't think the university's dryers were built to completely dry your clothes. I've come to terms with that a long time ago. Finally, I make the 30 minute trek back home with the 2,000 lb. laundry basket (It is now twice as heavy since it is weighed down by an extra 1,000 lbs. of water).

Every time I get home I tell myself I am never doing that again.  Two weeks later, I do. What a miserable day laundry day is.

On a completely unrelated note, Jordan went to Tim's last night! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


Melissa said...

Yayy ArtStreet Cafe! Whoop!

Yayy for JB at TIMS!!!!

BOoo for laundry.

Jerry Stoffl said...

Why isn't ArtStreet Cafe's El Greco or Van Gogh in your top 10 sandwiches?

Jordan said...

i hate my life.