
Brr, It's Cold in Here.

It's about that time of year again. The temperature drops below freezing and all I want to do is sit inside and try not to turn into a popsicle. Nothing helps keep you warm like chasing a small rat-dog around the house, let me tell you. It's one of the few benefits of having a the thing around. But I digress.

It is also around this time that I contemplate bailing and move to a place much, much warmer than Dayton, Ohio. There are 4 benefits that I can see in this plan already. 1.) I would not have to worry about bringing a winter jacket because where I'll be going they don't celebrate winter(not that anyone would want to celebrate a season in the first place). 2.) I can wear flip-flops year round which means I will not have to worry about washing socks. 3.) The fear of someone throwing a snowball in my face is completely eliminated by the fact that THERE WILL BE NO SNOW! 4.) Most importantly, I will be leaving Jenny behind. Enough said.

I pulled up places in the US with the highest average temperatures for the month of January, the heart of winter. According to my research, the following are the best places to live if you are looking for warm weather:

Avg Temp for Jan
Honolulu, Hi 73
Miami, Fl 68.1
Vero Beach, Fl 63
Tampa, Fl 61.3
San Diego, Ca 57.8
Los Angeles, Ca 57.1
Long Beach, Ca 57
Jacksonville, Fl 53.1
New Orleans, La 52.6
Houston, Tx 51.8
Dayton, Oh 26

As you can see, Dayton is a little colder by comparison. If any of these places sound interesting to you and you also want to avoid the upcoming cold weather, let me know and we can start planning a trip to one of these destinations for the next few months.

1 comment:

Jackie Dorsey said...

Vero Beach is beautiful so I hear.. great golfing too! I am game!