
Life Update

I'm feeling the pressure lately to post, so here I am once again. I'll just give you a few updates on my life as of late.

Taco Thursday

Thursdays have easily become the greatest day of the week. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is on, I don't have class, Tim's is open to anyone older than 18, and there's Taco Thursday, FE's newest tradition.

Every Thursday anyone in the FE office (and JL over at Flyer Spirit) get mass amounts of Taco Bell. The tradition started during our roadtrip to Georgetown earlier this year, and has become the greatest thing FE has done in the past 20 years (and probably the worst thing I've done to my body in the past 20 years). Every week we try to break the total amount of TB ordered, as well as per capita (person). Right now the total record is set at 36 or 37 dollars and the per capita record is roughly $6.50 per person.


Paranormal Activity

I saw this movie on Tuesday and it was the worst decision of my life. I have yet to fall asleep being too afraid a demon will haunt me. I've taken a vow not to record myself while sleeping, I don't want to know what happens while I'm out.

Ginger Babies

This picture kills me.

1 comment:

Monica said...

I just saw paranormal activity myself on Halloween (double bad idea).

I slept with the lights on last night, and got only 4 hours of sleep as my roommates cat was scratching my door around 4:30 am. Talk about a freak out! On Saturday night, I was just imagining my foot being yanked off the bed and me being dragged through my apartment.

Not happy thoughts :( But I still really loved the movie - and am glad to know it was fake :)