3. NuWave Oven
NuWaves are pretty lame. They are basically really slow microwaves. Using infrared technology, the NuWave oven cooks food about 50% faster than conventional ovens. The NuWave does not get #3 on my short list because of the product itself, but because of the special bonus offer that comes with it. For every NuWave you buy, you get a free pizza flipper! After seeing the infomercial a couple times, I'm still not sure what the hell a pizza flipper is. I usually like eating my pizza with the cheese on top, so I think I might have to pass on this step down from a microwave.
Price: Just 3 payments of 39.99
Special offer(s): Pizza flipper, instructional DVD, 25 Gourmet Recipe Card Set, two free twister blenders
Website: https://www.nuwaveoven.com/spark/index.php?ai=106
2. Shamwow!
Throw away all those useless paper towels! They are a thing of the past with the new Shamwow towels. Shamwow holds 20 times its weight in liquid, easily making it the ant of towels (Since ants are only able to hold about 8 times their weight, I should correct that to say ants are the Shamwow of insects). Shamwows can clean up virtually any spill, even those that penetrate deep into carpets. They are made in Germany so you know that they are durable. Those Germans and their crazy engineering abilities really know how to make the perfect paper towel. Let's not forget it comes with a ten year warranty! They'll even double your order for a total of 8 Shamwow towels! I'm hoping this towel doesn't get a mind of it's own, because if it does, I'm pretty sure it will set out to absorb the human race. I've been meaning to buy some Shamwows to see if they would absorb Jenny, along with the occassional spill. Please be aware of super absorbant towel imitators. Only buy the original Shamwow.
Price: 19.99
Special Offer(s): Double your order to 8 Shamwow towels
Website: https://www.shamwow.com/ver4/index.asp
1. Snuggie
I don't even know where to start with this one. The first time I saw this infomercial I was celebrating my roommate's birthday at Milano's. A Snuggie is probably the ultimate blanket/robe a person can ever purchase. It is essentially a blanket with two sleeve holes for your arms. Easily the single greatest invention by man. The fact that someone can cut two holes in a blanket, sew in some sleeves, and make large sums of money just makes me so happy to be an American. The best part about a Snuggie is that you can look like a complete fool outside of your home! Yes, you can where Snuggie in your house while lounging around, but you can also take it to your kids soccer game or look fashionable in the mall! Seeing a person walk around in a Snuggie would probably be the single greatest day of my life.

Price: 19.95
Special offer(s): Buy one get one free, free book light
Website: https://www.getsnuggie.com/flare/next
the snuggie is my absolute second favorite infomercial ever just behind the magic bullet. no matter how many times i watch that infomercial, it never gets old! i just dont understand!
hey. blankets that you can wear....are warm.
AdAge agrees that the snuggie is incredible: http://adage.com/article?article_id=134080 --obviously I thought about spicyblogsauce the moment I saw this article.
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