
Fat People Are Angry Drivers

There are so many places I want to go, but I don't have the money. Funny thing is, when I actually do have money I probably won't have the time. Bogus. I should just become I pilot.

I knew I should have invested my money in AOL stock when I was six! I would hardly have to give a thought to trivial things like time and money. Instead, I blew it all on video games, candy, and hard drugs. I wasn't the most financially savvy adolescent.

Advice I've been getting from some of my coworkers: Never leave college. It sucks. Apparently I don't work with the most optimistic people. Then again, I work in an accounting firm, so I guess it's to be expected.

Taking I-77 North from the west side of Cleveland to get to I-90 East is probably the most confusing thing ever. I switched lanes about 7 times to try and get in the right one and ended up downtown on my way home. A slight detour, luckily there's a lot to see in downtown C-town, like the giant FREE stamp, or...actually that about covers it. I also realized the east side of Cleveland has about 1/4th the amount of traffic as the west side. Looks like I lucked out.

While on the subject of driving, apparently Cleveland ranks #2 for the most friendliest drivers in America, right behind Portland. Cincinnati ranks #9 as the least courteous drivers, right behind New York, Dallas, Detroit, Atlanta, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Phoenix, Miami, and Houston (http://www.bizjournals.com/boston/stories/2009/06/15/daily29.html).

Also of note: Of the top 10 cities listed as the least courteous drivers, 7 of them also rank among the top 25 fattest cities (New York, Dallas, Detroit, Phoenix, Miami, Houston, San Diego) (http://www.mensfitness.com/lifestyle/216).



Darja said...

this is my fave: "A slight detour, luckily there's a lot to see in downtown C-town, like the giant FREE stamp, or...actually that about covers it. "
i <3 cleve.

Darja said...

ps coming to dayton anytime soon? steve and i both miss you.
actually i am not sure if steve misses you or not...but if he knows what's good for him, he does.