
The Sky Ride (Almost) Kills Again...

You may remember my post a couple months ago about my fears of the Sky Ride, a high wire balancing act found at most amusement parks that almost always ends in death...well...not usually...well...never. Basically, I don't understand why someone would risk their life like that knowing there's a possibility of being "dangled to death."

Today I found out something rather appalling while at work. I was reading internet articles for 3/4th's of the day, as usual, and found out someone was seriously injured on this death trap. A man fractured his vertabrae falling 35 feet into some shrubbery below. I won't bore you with any more of the details, and some of you may say that my fears are still not justified by this particular accident. I'll post the article though as proof of the incident, since most of you probably don't believe an accident can occur on this operating graveyard (Because it is likely to kill you while you ride it. I wasn't sure if that joke was a bit of a stretch so I thought I would be kind enough to explain it. I'm such a gentleman).

The man injured was a kicker for a college football team. Looks like he may be out the rest of the season due to his stupid lifestyle choice to hang around the mechanical grim reaper. Poor guy, but I'm not at all surprised.

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