
The Bus, The Bus, The Bus Is On FIRE!

I made one of the most regrettable decisions of my young life earlier today. What was that decision you ask? Well read on and you'll find out. Do you actually think I would leave you hanging like that?

It was quite a normal day at the office. Did a few odds and ends jobs for about eight hours, then headed home. On the bus. Yes, I may have a car now, but I have my reasons for still taking public transportation, like near-death experiences such as today. Ok, it wasn't that close to death, but still, it was crazy.

Continuing, the bus gets on the freeway and we're well on our way home. Things were going pretty smoothly until...BOOM! The engine starts sputtering and we pull of to the side of the road. I was sitting a couple rows from the back, when all of the sudden smoke begins flooding the cabin from the rear (the engine is located in the back of the bus). Having no clue as to what was going on, everyone gets off and stands around trying to figure out how they will be getting home.

Then, I look over at the bus. To my surprise, THE ENGINE WAS ON FIRE! I take a few more steps back in anticipation of a huge explosion, you know, the kind that throws you ten feet in the air which you only see in action movies. The bus driver grabs a fire extinguisher from inside the bus and puts out the ginormous blaze. He saved our lives right then, and I never got the chance to thank him. The backup bus had arrived and I didn't want to miss it.

BUT WAIT! There's more! (In honor of Billy Mays) While watching the inferno, a friend from high school, who just so happened to be on the same bus, comes up to me. We start chit-chatting, and I find out this was the second bus he has been on that has caught on fire! Apparently this is a routine thing that happens in Cleveland's RTA system. Really makes one feel secure knowing your rapid can burn to the ground at any second.

My regrettable decision? Not taking a picture of that majestic flame that made its home in the RTA engine. Sigh...

Chances are it will happen again though, so there will be plenty of other opportunities!


Jackie Dorsey said...

When I was a child we had a go cart that we would drive all over our property. One time my weekling of a sister tried to fill the gas tank and spilled gasoline all over the engine. Us being stupid kids started it up and drove it. Needless to say, it caught on fire... :) I wonder how common engine fires really are?

Darja said...

i love everything about you.