
My Dreams Of Becoming A Snuggie Model Will Soon Be A Reality

I thought I would use this time to show you how productive my weekends will be this summer. Apart from blogging, I will be doing this:

As you can see, I am trying to become a professional Snuggie/Mickey Hands model. Since this will take a lot of time and effort on my part, do not be surprised if my blogging starts to dwindle. My modeling job will require an extraordinary amount of time laying on the couch, watching TV, and being a complete waste of space while my sister takes pictures of me acting like an idiot. Hopefully it will all pay off in the future when I'm a world famous Snuggie/Mickey Hands runway model.

I also wanted to take this time to give a shoutout to a fellow friend's blog. Paul (who coincidentally will be my roommate next year) used to write a blog about anything, usually with a strong focus on sports. He had a tendency to point out the stupidity found in the media and also wanted to make the world a better place through his blog, like in his post about making over America (found here: Extreme Makeover: America Edition). Although he has not posted in over two years, his blog made me laugh uncontrollably and is one of the main reasons I wanted to try blogging myself.

Through his blog, Paul named the single greatest award after me and honored me as the first ever recipient. The award is The Daniel Laycock Award for Extraordinary Aptitude and Ambiguous Excellence (DLFEAAE). Instead of describing it myself, I am going to steal material from Paul's blog to give you a brief history of the award and why I was the first ever recipient:

"The second person I will be honoring in this post is Daniel Laycock. Dan has been a good friend of mine since we met during the beginning of the school year, and despite being from Cleveland, he’s a pretty cool guy (as cool as you can get from Cleveland, anyways). Dan is one of the many people who have made countless requests to be mentioned in this here blog. Usually I don’t fulfill these requests; it’s nothing personal, I just don’t think everyone else would enjoy reading a list of names of my friends.

So why does Dan get to be mentioned? What has he done to set himself apart from the crowd? As I mentioned, Dan is from Cleveland. He likes the Br… well, lets just say he’s an NFL fan from Cleveland. Recently, Dan saw the light and decided to change his evil ways and join the side of the black and gold. The following excerpt was taken from an actual AIM conversation with Dan:

(Dan): u are the greatest paul
(Dan): go steelers

In honor of his recent conversion, I am proud to introduce the Daniel Laycock Award for Extraordinary Aptitude and Ambiguous Excellence. This award will be given weekly (or so) to someone who demonstrates amazing achievement in any area of my choosing. The award recipient may or may not also have a brief passage written about them, depending on how lazy I am at the time.

It should come as no surprise that the inaugural recipient of the Daniel Laycock Award for Extraordinary Aptitude and Ambiguous Excellence is… Daniel Laycock. I think I already told you enough about Dan, so we’ll leave it at that. Congrats, Dan. You are truly the man."

**All of the above can be found in his post, BOOM! Tough-Actin Tinactin

I was so desperate to get a shout out in his blog, I was willing to give props to a rival football team. Due to my patheticism, Paul did one better than give a simple shout out, but gave me a full-blown award! Future recipients include some of his friends and LEBRON JAMES! That's right, I have been put in the same category as the current MVP of the NBA! I'm sure an MVP award will be heading my way in the near future too.

Anyways, I think having an award in my blog would be fun as well, mainly because I like stealing other people's ideas (read my high school and college writing assignments; all stolen). Right now, I do not know what this award will be, but look out for it in the future.


Darja said...

ahhhhhh. can we get marrieD??? PLEASE?
i think you in snuggie and mickey hands as my background takes precedence over you and steve high fiving. nothing against steve, of course...maybe.

specks said...

Dan, I think the only way you can make that outfit better is with the mickey wizard hat... adding that hat will make you a model

Kelsie said...

I think the best part about these pictures is the fact that underneath, you have a rockin bod. Or so I heard.

Tino said...

damn your sexy