
Another Infomercial Post? I Thought You Were Done With Those Dan.

Remember the infomercial posts I did during the early days of my blogging career? If not, I suggest going back and reading them, they were some of my favorites.  If you did not enjoy those, then stop reading now, I'm following the exact same format I did previously. 

Apparently my brother is big into infomercials as well and was describing one earlier today. It is a toothpaste dispenser that automatically dabs the correct amount of toothpaste on your brush every time. I instantly started giggling. I could imagine it now. 

People trying to squeeze their toothpaste tubes beyond oblivion, getting toothpaste all over the place in the process. Muscle builders unable to squeeze hard enough to get that last ounce of toothpaste out. The struggle and torment of the average toothpaste tube is incomparable to anything else. This product is genius and the commercial would probably make for an entertaining time.

I was right. Granted it could have been better, but the actors struggling with their toothpaste tubes made it all worthwhile. The product is dubbed the "Touch N Brush," and with it there will be
  • No more messy sticky bathroom sinks!
  • No more crusty toothpaste tubes!
  • No more fighting over the last drop of paste!
  • No more kids leaving behind a mess in the morning!
In essence, this product alone will create peace and harmony within your household and turn your children into spotless angels, all for only $19.99! And it even comes in chrome too! Quite the deal for a product that will eliminate years of family therapy by just controlling the amount of toothpaste you use.

A quick Google Image search for "Touch N Brush Toothpaste Dispenser" will give you this amazing picture. Not sure what it has to do with dispensing paste, but you can tell he uses a Touch N Brush by the way he looks like he is at peace with his family.

Price: $19.99

Special Offers: Sonic 4x toothbrush. That way you have something to use your Touch N Brush with because obviously you didn't have a toothbrush before.

Website: http://www.buytouchnbrush.com

1 comment:

Darja said...

hahaha. i want one so bad.
they pulled out all the stops with "you can dispense toothpaste with just one hand" but it would've been more effective if the person was an amputee, with a big stump for an arm, instead of just a girl with a sling.