
Day 3 of My Summer of Coolness

Have you ever been set on writing something only to have it change last second? I did today, and here's why:

This is a picture of Cedar Point's Sky Ride. Why is it significant enough to get mentioned in Spicy Blog? It's not really, other than the fact that it's the scariest ride known to man! Top Thrill, Goliath, and the Slingshot in Daytona combined do not even come close to the anxiety I feel while on the Sky Ride.

I have a hard time understanding why no one agrees with me on this one. You're suspended 150 feet in the air dangling by an 80 year old wire. Dangling! I know it may be a funny word, but it's not how I want to be when I'm about to fall to my death. I can hear the conversation now...

"How did Dan die?"

"He was dangled high in the air on the Sky Ride before the wire snapped and he plummetted to his death."

"Sweet, I hated that kid."

No one wants to be dangled to death. So why in the world would I like this ride? Not to mention that every time it crosses one of the supports it tends to rumble and the car feels like its going to fall off the wire.

Another problem, no seatbelts. What if I get the urge to jump out of the gondola? There's no seatbelt strapping me in to stop me. Looks like I'm dead.

As you can see, none of the above scenarios end with me alive. You may think I'm just being dramatic, but I'm just trying to be realistic. I can't even look at that picture without getting chills...

Oh yeah, I suppose I should update you on my internship.

They did not have anything for me to do today...again. Beth, who works in the office across the hall, gave me some accounting literature to read. I read that for about four hours in between a few miscellaneous jobs she found for me. I had to refrain from holding a pen in my hand fearing I might jab it into my eyesocket. 

They say it will get better, I hope they're right.


Jerry Stoffl said...

For the record, Dan rode the "Sky Buckets" at Six Flags Over Georgia and lived to blog about it.

Monica said...

Dan - what about if you sat in the car like you were supposed to and ended up at the other side of the park?

I didn't see death in that outcome. Just a quicker way to pass all the parents with strollers, gaggle of teeny-boppers trying to hit on the park operators, and sea gulls diving at your french fries. :)

Emily said...

I didn't realize that tagging you in that gondola photo would cause so much trauma! I'm so sorry, Dan. Let me know if I can help in any way in preventing your death on a sky gondola.

Tino said...

what do you expect from accounting jobs? crazy fun and excitement even for one millisecond in the day. come on it is accounting...booooring. so you should just come back to UD and party.

Darja said...

hahahaha. no one wants to be dangled to death. <3