
Beat You To Make It

Last summer, my brother and I created the newest, greatest game. I'm positive it will be an Olympic sport by 2020.

It's called "Beat You to Make It," an ingenius name for one of the most creative games ever. The concept is simple, yet mindblowingly fun. It stems from the game of basketball, which I'm sure most of you know about.

Each person starts with a ball, then one person calls out "Beat you to make it!" The first person to make the next basket wins. 

"But Dan, that sounds so incredibly stupid, only a moron like yourself would enjoy a game as rediculous as that."

You're right. But, the game goes a little more in depth than I previously described. You can call out "Beat you to make it 3," where the first person to make a 3-pointer wins. Or, you can say "Beat you to make it 1." In that case, the first person to successfully make a foul shot wins. It's a beautiful thing.

To make it a little more interesting, and in order to have each game last a bit longer, one can call consecutive shots. For instance, if someone says, "Beat you to make it 1, 2, 3," each player must make a foul shot, a simple 2 point basket, and a 3 pointer consecutivly in order to win. If you miss any one of the above shots, you must start from the beginning until you make all three in a row. Adds a little spice to an already incredible game.

You can play any type of Beat You To Make It imaginable. Why just today, my brother and I played Beat You To Make It 3,2,1,1,2,3 where we had to make six consecutive shots. Needless to say, my arms were tired after that one.

"But Dan, this game still sounds dumb."

Oh, well...um...there isn't actually anything else to it. Sorry.


specks said...

you two came up with beat you to make it longer ago than that b/c I believe I have played that game at your house and lost miserably everytime :(

Darja said...

i love it!! can i play?