Mickey Mouse hands
Can I be honest with you for one second? These hands may have been the best investment of my young life. Yes, a car was pretty important, and my college education is somewhat of a big deal, but nothing has provided me with more entertainment value than the simple pair of enlarged gloves. Just one of the many reasons why Disney World is the greatest place on Earth.
They were first brought out during FE story time (when all the managers learn about the history of FE), and were worn by just about every manager in the company afterwards. Seeing everyone with a smile on their face when they put on the gloves almost brought a tear to my eye. Although I don't know exactly how much credit can be given to the gloves for the overall success of the retreat, I do know one thing...
They need to be cleaned. Badly.
Ya the chocolate on the way home didn't help either.. :)
just think of all the H1N1 on those gloves by now. It's prolly developed into H1N2
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