
Kanye West and My Eating Habits

I logged on to Facebook 5 minutes ago to a swarm of posts about how much of a bitch Kanye West is. First of all, I thought it was common knowledge that Kanye is a tool. Isn't that why people like him? Second, did anyone not expect Kanye to do something like this? He pulls the controversial card in just about every public setting. He does it so much that the media writes articles about his incidents days in advance. I read this article about the 2009 VMA stunt three days ago (Don't mind the time stamp, the media updates it to make it look like they did not see it coming).

I am horrible at eating food. I spend so much money on groceries and end up throwing half of it out because I don't look at most of it again until 2 months past expiration (Never, EVER eat Kraft Macaroni n Cheese 2 years after it expires. Trust me, I know from experience).

These two topics are completely unrelated, right? Kind of, but there is a small connection. People forget about Kanye West just about as quickly as I forget about my groceries. Once forgotten, Kanye must do something crazy to bring him to the center of attention, leaving the taste of spoiled milk in my mouth. Not the few days past expiration kind of spoiled milk, but the left in the sun for 2 months, chunky, smelling of dead people, vomit in my mouth kind of milk. Also, the lid on the milk was left open while outside and a dog peed in it before I drank it. Yeah, that's the kind of taste Kanye leaves in my mouth. He probably also smells bad, like rotten swiss.

That's how Mr. West is related to my eating habits. Profound, I know.


Jessica said...

haha love it

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