
Breaking News

Something to think about: when there is nothing in the news, the media still shoves breaking stories in our faces about absolutely nothing. Usually it's an opinion from someone with absolutely no credibility about something meaningless. I recently read a headline saying Hank Aaron wants the names of all people who tested positive for performance enhancing drugs in 2003 to be revealed. Personally, I think this could squeak by as a news item if Aaron had any authority over revealing the names. The writer tries his best to make Aaron a credible source by mentioning his Hall of Fame status, or calling him the "former home run king." In other words, he played baseball a long time ago.

Then there's the whole ordeal between Henry Gates and Sgt. Crowley that got blown WAY out of proportion. I remember watching the President's press conference. As soon as he said the word "stupidly," I knew it was going to be all over the news the next day. The media had a field day with that one. Hell, updates about the situation are still in the news today. Mr. Gates recently made a statement saying he likes Sgt. Crowley. Important stuff.

I try to keep up to date on current events, but it's so hard when I have to sift through stories about "15 year glue-sniffer realizes Elmer's is non-toxic," or "Purel only kills 99.98% of germs; man sues after finding .02% of germs on his hands," or "Giant meteor kills everyone in China."

I should just start getting my updates on current events from a reliable source: the local news.

But to tell the truth, I love the news. Some things you just can't make up. Like "Jobless graduate sues her college for $70,000." You feel bad for the girl because she can't find a job, but at the same time you realize she's a spoiled brat who doesn't deserve one. Not to mention the 2.7 GPA she says recruiters should be jumping all over.

Man on lawnmower during beer run charged with DUI. Pretty self explanatory.

That was a little bit of a rant. I apologize. This might cheer you up:

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